Maoneng Australia

For ten years, Maoneng has been seeking to drive Australia’s transition to renewable energy.

In order to achieve this, we’re committed to leading the development of solar generation and large-scale battery storage technology. By us all working together to invest in and develop renewable energy solutions, Australia will be able to more quickly reach its sustainable future.

Maoneng’s progress so far includes striking major renewable energy deals with AGL to develop four large-scale batteries; each of 50MW/100MWh over the next 15 years, and also working with the ACT government to help develop the Mugga Lane solar farm in Canberra; a formative moment in helping ACT achieve its 100 per cent renewable electricity goal.

We know that Australia has the means to hit a 100% renewable energy target, but much is to be done before this can happen. We need a resilient and well managed grid, combined with increased  investment incentives into dispatchable energy and large-scale storage. Lastly, bipartisan support for renewables needs to be a fact, only by working together can we achieve our sustainable future.



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The National Climate Emergency Summit will convene practitioners, advocates, governments, youth leaders and industry innovators to unpack what a climate emergency response could look like at local, national, and global levels.



Four strategic priorities will steer the Summit Program, presenting a focused conference program of plenary and breakout sessions.

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The Summit Program aims to attract a wide range of participants to help define and align key strategy and action that supports an emergency-scale transition.