Taryn Lane

Taryn manages Hepburn Wind, which is the first and largest community-owned renewable energy facility in Australia.

Taryn designed and led the Hepburn Shire Z-NET project which modeled a whole of municipality 100% renewable and carbon-neutral pathway for her local community which has the ambition to be the first zero-net emissions shire in Australia by 2030. The project is open source and a best practice approach to bottom-up transition.

For the past decade Taryn has managed Hepburn Wind, the first largest community-owned renewable energy facility in Australia. The 4.1MW wind farm hosts two turbines, called Gale and Gusto, that produce enough clean energy to power more than 2000 homes. She has also undertaken a Churchill Scholarship looking at community energy projects around the world. She is a founding director of the Australian Wind Alliance and the Coalition for Community Energy. Taryn has recently developed two best practice community engagement guides for large scale renewable energy developments for both the Victorian Government and the Clean Energy Council.



“Regional communities like mine — Victoria’s Hepburn Shire — are on the climate change frontline and increasingly in a precarious position that is set to get worse unless we take urgent, decisive action. That’s why we’re taking matters into our own hands and establishing the comprehensive Z-NET Community Transition Plan to build “emissions literacy“ in our community so that we can develop local solutions“



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The National Climate Emergency Summit will convene practitioners, advocates, governments, youth leaders and industry innovators to unpack what a climate emergency response could look like at local, national, and global levels.



Four strategic priorities will steer the Summit Program, presenting a focused conference program of plenary and breakout sessions.

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The Summit Program aims to attract a wide range of participants to help define and align key strategy and action that supports an emergency-scale transition.