The recent destruction of a First Nations heritage site of extraordinary historical and cultural significance in Western Australia has shone a major spotlight on a contentious and lawful practice. Over 50% of Australia’s land and sea mass is held under indigenous land title, with many Indigenous communities providing vital ecological and climate mitigation services to the benefit of the nation. Yet the ability for First Nations communities to continue to protect country and contribute substantially to Australia’s climate emergency response remains heavily restricted. What legal reform and investment is needed to properly support Indigenous landholders to respectfully manage country and forge real opportunities for urgent climate repair?
Due to the recent increase in Covid risk this forum will be live streamed only. No in-person attendance will be permitted. Please use the live stream link for the event.
Nolan Hunter – Former CEO, Kimberly Land Council
Kado Muir – Deputy Chair, National Native Title Council
Emma Lee – Research Fellow, Centre for Social Impact, Swinburne University of Technology
Moderated by Jon Altman – Emeritus Professor, School of Regulation and Global Governance, ANU